- shaft of radius
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Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
Универсальный англо-русский словарь. Академик.ру. 2011.
shaft of radius — corpus radii … Medical dictionary
radius — (n.) 1590s, cross shaft, from L. radius staff, spoke of a wheel, beam of light, of unknown origin. Perhaps related to radix root, but Tucker suggests connection to Skt. vardhate rises, makes grow, via root *neredh rise, out, extend forth; or else … Etymology dictionary
shaft — SYN: diaphysis. [A.S. sceaft] s. of clavicle [TA] the elongated, rodlike body of the clavicle. SYN: corpus claviculae [TA], body of clavicle. s. of femur [TA] the cylindrical s. of the thigh bone. SYN: corpus ossis femoris [TA], body of femur,… … Medical dictionary
radius — /ray dee euhs/, n., pl. radii / dee uy /, radiuses. 1. a straight line extending from the center of a circle or sphere to the circumference or surface: The radius of a circle is half the diameter. 2. the length of such a line. 3. any radial or… … Universalium
Radius (bone) — Infobox Bone Name = Radius (joint) Latin = GraySubject = 52 GrayPage = 219 Caption = Upper extremity Caption2 = Radius is #1 Articulations = MeshName = Radius MeshNumber = A02.835. DorlandsPre = DorlandsSuf = The radius is the bone … Wikipedia
radius rod — noun : a bar for preserving an invariable distance between two pieces of a mechanism and permitting one to move around the other as a fixed point * * * (in a feathering paddle wheel) any of the rods, meeting in a hub mounted eccentrically with… … Useful english dictionary
radius rod — (in a feathering paddle wheel) any of the rods, meeting in a hub mounted eccentrically with the paddle wheel shaft, for feathering the paddles while in the water. See illus. under paddle wheel. [1855 60] * * * … Universalium
Body of radius — Infobox Bone Name = Body of radius Latin = corpus radii GraySubject = 52 GrayPage = 219 Caption = The radius and ulna of the left forearm, posterior surface. The top is proximal (elbow) and bottom is distal (wrist). Caption2 = Precursor = System … Wikipedia
flexible shaft — ▪ mechanics in practical mechanics, a number of superimposed, tightly wound, helical coil springs wrapped around a centre wire, or mandrel. Because of its construction, the shaft can be bent, without fracture, to a much smaller radius than… … Universalium
body — 1. The head, neck, trunk, and extremities. The human b., consisting of head (caput), neck (collum), trunk (truncus), and limbs (membra). 2. The material part of a human, as distinguished from the … Medical dictionary
corpus — 1. SYN: body. 2. Any body or mass. 3. The main part of an organ or other anatomic structure, as distinguished from the head or tail. SEE ALSO: body, diaphysis, soma. [L … Medical dictionary